5 Money-Saving Tips to Keep You Safe and Warm Indoors
Just like 2016 snuck up upon us, so too did the plummeting temperatures and frigid conditions of winter. Anyone in Indiana can tell you that Midwestern winters can be brutal, so staying indoors and keeping warm is imperative.
Winterizing your home is an important step for any renter or homeowner to take in order to prevent expensive problems and high utility bills. As the cold continues to set in, be sure to follow these tips to keep your family warm, protected, and safe during below zero temperatures and snowstorms.
- Seal Windows and Doors – Sure, placing plastic around your windows may not be attractive, but it can keep your heat running more efficiently and safely, keeping more money in your bank account. To insulate your home, run weather stripping or caulk around doors and windows. If this isn’t enough, add plastic to windows (particularly in small children’s rooms) to maximize your home’s insulation.
- Prevent Pipes from Freezing – Is there anything worse than turning on your faucet to find no water running? Freezing pipes can be dangerous and expensive to fix, so prevention is key. You can easily by foam insulation jackets or wrap to fit snugly around pipes to keep them warm throughout low-temperature months. Leaving a faucet running lightly is another great way to keep water flowing, thus allowing the pipes to remain above freezing temperatures.
- Change Your Air Filter –Not only is a dirty filter dangerous, but it is also a financial strain. Filters catch dirt, dust, and other particles from your heater in order to keep the air blowing out as clean as possible. However, a clogged filter can be dangerous and could cause your heating system to malfunction, by overworking your system to push through the filter. Changing your filter regularly (once a month is recommended) will prevent this problem.
- Reverse Your Ceiling Fans –If you haven’t heard of this trick, you have been missing out. Ceiling fans are great for circulating cool air in warmer months, but can also help circulate warm air in cooler months with a simple trick. Simply flick the switch on your fan so it is running clockwise. This will better circulate the warm air in your home and could save you up to 10% on your electric bill.
- Invest in a Programmable Thermostat –Maybe you enjoy keeping your home at a toasty 72 degrees at night, but continuing to run your heat at that temperature all day long will only end up costing you more. Instead, buy a programmable thermostat to drop down to 65-68 degrees while you are at work, and warm back up when you are expected home. Each degree that your temperature is lowered can save you up to 1% on your utility bill.
As the temperatures continue to drop, take advantage of these tips to save money on your bills, while keeping your family warm. If you live nearby, you can also swing by American Hardware & Supply in Fountain Square or Fusek’s True Value Hardware right off of Mass Ave for all of the winter-proofing supplies you’ll need.
Do you have any tips for keeping your home insulated and cutting utility costs during winter? Leave a comment and share it below.